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The Breasts from Beardslee Islands

On June 19, Bill Eichenlaub and I climbed "The Breasts" in Glacier Bay, Alaska.
These are prominent unnamed peaks as seen from Bartlett Cove.
Like the Grand Tetons in Wyoming, and Wah-to-Yah in Colorado, the name is obvious.
The picture above is looking at The Breasts Peaks from the Beardslee Islands.
Click photos below for details of our climb.

bill_entering_snow_tunnel bill_on_ridgetop bill___the_breasts_fr_west
Bill entering snow tunnel in streambed Bill on ridgetop, with Mt Crillon, Mt Bertha Bill + The Breasts from west ridge
bill_ascending_to_saddle bill_climbing_ne_breast lupine
Bill ascending to saddle f/snow lake, w/Fairweather Range Bill climbing NE Breast, SW ridge Lupine with a view
bill_ascending_ne_breast glacier_bay___icy_strait mtn_goat_traversing_summit
Bill ascending NE Breast from summit, with SW Breast Glacier Bay + Icy Strait, from NE Breast Mtn Goat traversing summit of NE Breast
mark_on_snow_traverse bill_on_ridge___tlingit_pk mt_crillon__mt_bertha
Mark on snow traverse Bill on west ridge + Tlingit Peak Mt Crillon, Mt Bertha, July Fourth Mtn
goat_tracks_on_ridge wood_creek_waterfall bill_running_rapids_wood_cr
Goat tracks on ridge above Geikie Inlet, Charpentier Inlet Wood Creek waterfall Bill running rapids, Wood Creek

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