home > about Mark Jefferson web site

This is version 1.0 of my personal web site.

It's going to get better, hopefully.

What I want to do is:

* Broadcast information about myself
so old and new friends can find me
* Share my photos and writing
for entertainment and communication
* Display web designs
use it as an interactive learning tool

What you can do, or dream you can do, begin it;
Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 1

It's a photo gallery.

The "Trips" page is the master index page for all of the photo index pages, organized by trips and events. This is the focus of the site in this incarnation.

Also, there is a page with information about me; and this page about the site; and a few other photo pages with random anecdotes that you can get to by clicking on the photos on the "Home" and "Trips" pages.

Software used to build this site:

Dreamweaver MX and iView MediaPro did most of the work, with help from sundry image and text editors.

Dreamweaver has both a design view and a HTML coding view of each web page that is being created. So it is great for tweaking and learning HTML, and seeing how it's going to look in a web browser, at the same time.

iView MediaPro is image cataloging software that came with my Nikon digital camera. I use it to browse, organize, and label my photos. Now I also use it to create HTML galleries from selected photos for this site. I have created HTML templates for iView to use, that automates the process of creating web pages. With this system, I should be able to generate each new photo gallery with an hour. The plan is that this will enable me to get new trips posted to the site without having to set aside much time to make it happen.

Sidetracks. You know, sidetracks?

I thought I could just throw together some images and text and put it out on the web while I worked on a better version. But I am too much about details, and ended up on sidetracks: sidetracks over-analyzing the design and intuitiveness; and how it's going to look in different brands and versions of web browsers; sidetracks learning HTML and JavaScript coding; sidetracks cataloging and labeling thousands of digital images and slides; and sidetracks contemplating how this "all about me" site is going to seem on the vanity-humility scale.

This is fun. Write me.

It's an interesting exercise putting up a web site about yourself. I encourage you to try it.

Old friends that find this site, please write me!


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1 a very liberal translation of Goethe by John Anster (1835) (i.e. collaborative writing)

page last updated 15.Dec.2003