Mt. Watson (12,516 ft.)
  Mt. Root (12,860 ft.) (unnamed) Mt. Fairweather (15,300 ft.)

My favorite mountains glow at sunset from our camp near the East Alsek River. They look so peaceful and inviting this particular evening.

But Fairweather is a misnomer for these mountains. Storms swirl out of the Gulf of Alaska one after another. Foul weather is the norm.

Three years earlier, I climbed Mount Fairweather with partner, Mike Dziobak. We reached the summit on April 30, 1999 at 4:15 PM on the 23rd day of our expedition. It had been an exceptionally wet April, and we'd already spent 7 days in the tent waiting out storms. Another one was coming, and it caught us, descending, still high on the mountain. We had to dig a snow cave for shelter for the night. Luckily it cleared the next evening, so we could get down to our tent.

Photo : Fairweather Range f/East Alsek River, Glacier Bay NP&P, Alaska
Date Taken : Fri, May 3, 2002 9:00:10 PM
Camera : Nikon E885
Shutter Speed : 1/50.5 seconds
Aperture : F4.9
Focal Length : 24.0 mm (3X)
Cropped : to 32% vertical & 98% horiz. of original

Copyright : Mark Jefferson

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