Glacier Gorge & Continental Divide f/Keyhole |
moon setting, McHenrys Peak, f/Keyhole |
Mt Lady Washington at dawn f/Keyhole |
looking back to The Keyhole |
McHenrys Peak & Continental Divide f/Keyhole route traverse |
Continental Divide, looking NW, f/Keyhole route traverse |
Keyhole route, west face of Longs Peak |
looking up The Trough |
climbing The Trough |
The Trough, looking down |
from top of the chockstone at top of Trough |
climber on The Narrows |
climbers on The Narrows |
climbers on The Narrows |
climbers on The Homestretch |
Mount Meeker f/ The Homestretch |
south down Homestrech, Wild Basin & Indian Peaks |
Chasm Lake, Twin Sisters Peaks |
Mount Lady Washington & Chasm Lake |
Mount Meeker & The Loft f/Longs Peak |
Mount Meeker & The Loft f/Longs Peak |
Estes Park, Boulderfield, Mt. Lady Washington |
climbers on summit, looking down on The Loft |
Mark on Longs Peak summit looking SE |
Mark on Longs Peak summit looking WNW |
south face of Longs Peak from summit looking SW |
Mount Meeker, The Loft, The Homestretch |
The Homestretch, The Palisades, & Wild Basin |
Indian Peaks from Longs Peak |
Indian Peaks, Continental Divide, & Wild Basin |
climbers on The Homestretch, looking down f/summit |
climbers on The Narrows |
Glacier Gorge from The Trough |
Glacier Gorge from The Trough |
McHenrys Peak from Keyhole route traverse |
McHenrys Peak & Continenal Divide f/Keyhole route traverse |
The Trough, Pagoda Mountain & Isolation Peak |
Storm Peak, through The Keyhole |
Agnes Vaille Shelter at The Keyhole |
climber beginning traverse from The Keyhole |
climbers at The Keyhole |
storm abating, f/below The Boulderfield |
Ptarmigan camouflage |
Ptarmigan |